January 29, 2022
29th January 2022 | Beauty | Posted by Megan Bromley
To unlock your best skin you need to know your skin type. To develop an effective skincare routine, you need to use products that work with your skin type so you can start seeing the results you want.
There are five basic skin types, you may fit into one, or be a combination of two, or even three.
Oily Skin
This skin type usually has overactive sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum (oil), a mixture of oil and sweat that seeps through the pores and produces that shiny look on the skin. Sebum is produced to prevent dryness and protect the skin. Contrary to popular belief, usually oily skin is actually lacking moisture and the excess sebum is being produced as an effort to moisturise the skin. Often pores are larger and breakouts are more common among oily skins. There is one big positive though, all that excess oil means fewer wrinkles!
Dry Skin
Often rough to touch and tight feeling, dry skin can be difficult to manage. Pores are usually small and fine lines and wrinkles are more obvious. It can also be irritated so it is important to use really soothing and hydrating products to revive and restore it's moisture levels.
Combination Skin
As the name says, it's a combination of skin types, usually dry and oily. Typically the T-Zone will be oily (chin, nose and forehead) and display oily skin chararteristics.The the cheeks/jawline will be more dry and display dry skin characteristics.
Normal Skin
Normal skin is balanced, this means the moisture levels in the skin are perfectly balanced. The pores are usually small and the skin is soft, hydrated and radiant with minimal breakouts.
Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin can be experienced by any skin type, it is more of a skin condition, but too important not to mention. It's easily irritated and can be red and itchy. There are factors that can affect sensitive skin including tempertaure (and changing temperature going from hot to cold or vice versa), wind, pollution, sun exposure, skincare products, stress and certain foods.
Now, you need to decide which of these skin types fit you best and start usuing products that are specifically developed for that skin type. You can then build a routine that will work for you and you will start seeing the results you want.
If you're feeling overwhelmed and need some more advice on skin type, or products to improve your skin, get in touch and we can go through a detailed skincare consultation.